Kitty takes the stage in a smashing red dress. She is having a "pretty" day and wants to share it with the audience. Kitty came to New York fueled by fantasies of a Manhattan created by Woody Allen. Her day job pays the rent but her evenings are reserved for The Inwood Merry Players, of which she is a charter member. She's still finding her way in the big, grimy playground and sometimes, being a pretty girl isn't all it's cracked up to be. Lina, a self-possessed woman in her later years, follows her. Lina is on the other end of Kitty's ride. An immi-grant from Portugal, she escaped her arranged marriage and through pluck, luck and a little on the side, had a career in publishing in New York City. Now retired, she still loves New York but finds there are new challenges for women of a certain age. Two vibrant, intelligent women bare their souls directly to the audience.