It’s the middle of the night. In a shed. Fleckwell and Conk, the founders (and only members) of the new Lycanthrope Action Committee, conduct a stakeout. Weary of the pseudoscientific methods of their former associate, the pair have gone rogue to get photo evidence of a werewolf. With Fleckwell’sexpertise in Cryptozoology and Conk’s photography it should be easy. So why is there a growing tension in the little shed? For one, Fleckwell is a bit dismissive of Conk’s scientific theories. But then Conk hasn’t exactly demonstrated devotion to the cause – he’s skipping night two of the stakeout for a family function, or so he claims. But hasn’t Fleckwell’s behavior been a bit shady as well? Did Conk really see Fleckwell’s car parked in THAT parking lot? And what is that smell?