Comedic slice-of-life story about a happy-go-lucky Chicago cab driver, Earnest, who loves to sing "Bluebird on my Shoulder" to keep the blues from overtaking his life, and Howard, a hard-driving businessman, who jumps into Earnest's cab for a life changing ride to O'Hare Airport. As the two slowly make their way to the airport for Howard's big trip to St. Louis, Earnest's good nature begins to take hold of Howard and soon he is apologizing for his less than appealing behavior. As Earnest drives, the relationship between the two unlikely friends begins to grow. Before long they are exchanging life stories - how easy Howard's life has been, but he still finds it necessary to sing the blues and how hard Earnest life has been but, despite the hardships, he usually finds a way to look at the bright side. Ken Crost's charming one-act weaves a tale that not only entertains, but reminds us to always looks on the bright side.