Macon, a troubled, young man, is on the run. In shock and panicked, he takes a wrong exit, finding himself stranded beneath an old billboard, in a stolen car, with a flat tire. Feeling hopeless, Macon decides to turn the gun on himself until he realizes he’s not alone. Hidden by the billboard is Yinnie, a mysterious girl, familiar as she is foreign. She offers to help him find his way—but on her terms. Fancying herself his makeshift confessor, she manages, by hook and crook, to persuade him into confiding in her. But the more he shares, the more things unravel, and the deeper he sinks into her gaslighting cat-and-mouse game that will leave you wondering not what his next move will be…but hers. Loose Hog is a compelling and hauntingly beautiful southern gothic story that challenges us to reconsider exactly what it is that makes us good.