RED & SCOOTER is a Hollywood story of the meeting of a woman with a dream of stardom and an old timer who's seen almost all of it and doesn't care much anymore. RED, who is no longer in her 20's, has come to Hollywood to escape Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She pays a visit to SCOOTER, a film director with little to do but drink and play with his electric trains. She's got an audition the next day for a big television show and is desperate for help. SCOOTER thinks she's cute, so despite his better judgment, he decides to give her a hand. They end up singing, dancing, performing magic, eating Chinese food, and falling in love...if only for a little while. When the night ends, RED goes off for her big chance and SCOOTER returns to his trains. It's New Year's Eve: December 31, 1949.