Modern Times. The Demill Players have undergone a regime change. No longer are the classic plays being produced. They now do shows such as "The Chocolate Screamed" and avant garde hip-hop pageants. Founding member Vivian Price will not be deterred as she continues to submit an evening with Shakespeare for consideration. At the last meeting of the play committee, she is rudely treated and storms out, only to be tragically killed by a runaway cement truck. The next year the playhouse puts on her last suggestion, Death by Shakespeare - an evening of the Bard's grisliest moments, to great acclaim and financial gain. At a weekend retreat after the production the board members all begin dying one by one in the manner of the murders in the play. Who's doing them in? It is a tense thriller peppered with classic Shakespearean speeches from Richard III, Othello, Macbeth, Titus Andronicus, Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, and Romeo and Juliet.