Welcome to the Rosendale Hotel where guests can stay a night, a week, a month, or a lifetime. Enter Patrick, a stranger who meets local characters and inhabitants such as Joe Joe, a mechanic and tow-truck operator with dreams of being a car salesman; and Rachel, the concierge whose only pleasures in life come from watching the various residents torture themselves as if she were watching a reality show. One night, Joe Joe witnesses Patrick and Rachel dancing close, causing him to feel so jealous that he throws Patrick out a third story window. He then steals Patrick’s suitcase, which is full of loose cash and rawhide “bones” (for dog’s teeth). Patrick’s body disappears, and a wolf starts circling the hotel. Dead Movement is the story of people who want to disappear, and others who want to be seen; both are desperate impulses which, when followed, lead to funny, complicated, uncanny results.
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